8:4 LEVEL UNIT ●8chソース ●ソース個別カット ●ソース個別ボリウム ●ソースミックス機能 ●ローノイズ、高音質 ●19インチ1Uサイズ CSP263は8chのオーディオソースをミ…
MONITOR UNIT WITH VU Speakers and headphones 4 stereo system XLR input VU meter Selected out 600 Ω l…
MONITOR UNIT WITH VU Stereo speaker Stereo headphone VU meter High-quality sound Through output and va…
MONITOR UNIT Monitor speakers Headphones monitor XLR source input of 2 systems Remote control Speaker …
MONITOR UNIT WITH VU Stereo input of 8 systems of XLR It monitors it with a large-sized speaker and he…
24ch MONITOR UNIT 24ch source input Selected out Large-sized speaker and headphone Highest grade VU me…