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Studio communication management
TB box TB961 and TB963 available
Two announce unit AF124/T available
Fader start and stop option available
Two control room monitor selectable
O2R96, 01V96, DM1000/2000 and O3D series controlled by cough unit
AF201A is a studio interface designed for studios using digital console 02R/96, 01V/96, DM1000/2000 and O3D series to add necessary functions. AF201A allows you to have such usage as cough unit control, talkback, return talkback control, CUE sign, Fader start and stop, 2 speakers selector for control room.
“Cough Unit control”
Input channel could be turned on and off by cough unit with AF201 which connected to O2R/96, 01V/96, DM1000/2000 and O3D through RS-422 serial port. Two cough unit able to assign to any channel. (Default set up is 1 and 2.)
TB and RTB is available for communication between CR and studio, effect DIM to HP monitor or CR monitor when each is turned ON, and let not to disturb communication. Also you can adjust TB and RTB level in front panel.
You can control to start and stop external machines such as CD, DAT and etc. with RS422 serial interface by moving up and down the faders as configured by O2R/96, 01V/96, DM/1000/2000 and O3D. The output corresponds with relay contact for up to 4 devices. You could modify the corresponding faders by internal dip switch.
Please use “CURRENT AF124/T” for cough unit to be used in booth. Fader or touch switch toggle between ON/OFF could mute assigned fader in console. While this action, SLS(Studio loud speaker) will be muted with cuff ON, and dis-muted and prevent feedback with OFF.
RTB means return talkback which booth to CR communication that signal flow to RTB output of AF201A. While RTB, SLS to cut and CR monitor will dim.
CUE button of TB961 is pressed, CUE light in AF124 will be indicated. Extra external cue light AF205A is available for AF124.
■ Specifications
•AUDIO INPUTS: D15-F(#4-40), 24kΩ, Ref=+4dBu, Max=+24dBu
•AUDIO OUTPUTS: D25-M(#4-40), 50Ω, Ref=+4dBu, Max=+24dBu
•FREQ. RESP. : 20~20kHz ±0.1dB
•THD: < 0.01% at 1kHz, @REF
•TB963, AF124 CONNECTOR: D15-F(#4-40)
•FAD. S/S CONNECTOR: D15-M(#4-40)
•RS422 CONNECTOR: D9-F(#4-40)
•GPI CONNECTOR: D15-F(#4-40)
•MAINS: 100VAC 50/60Hz, MAX 15W
•DIMENSIONS: 482Wx44Hx303D,4kg
AUDIO IN D15-F(#4-40) 01 MON L+ 09 MON L- 02 GND 10 MON R+ 03 MON R- 11 GND 04 CR L+ 12 CR L- 05 GND 13 CR R+ 06 CR R- 14 GND 07 15 08 GND
AUDIO OUT D25-M(#4-40) 01 SLS L+ 14 SLS L- 02 GND 15 SLS R+ 03 SLS R- 16 GND 04 CR 1L+ 17 CR 1L- 05 GND 18 CR 1R+ 06 CR 1R- 19 GND 07 CR 2L+ 20 CR 2L+ 08 GND 21 CR 2R+ 09 CR 2R- 22 GND 10 RTB+ 23 RTB- 11 GND 24 12 25 GND 13
TB963 D15-F(#4-40) 01 09 02 +15V 10 0V 03 TB SW 11 04 CUE SW 12 05 MINI SW 13 06 14 07 MIC +5V 15 MIC SIG 08 MIC GND
AF124 D15-F (#4-40) 01 MON L+ 09 MON L- 02 MON R+ 10 MON R- 03 S-CUE 11 S-RTB 04 Y-FU1 12 Y-FU2 05 L-MIC1+ 13 L-MIC1- 06 L-MIC2+ 14 L-MIC2- 07 +15V 15 0V 08 -15V
GPI D15-F (#4-40) 01 FU1 TLY 09 FU2 TLY 02 +15V 10 0V 03 TB CMD 11 TB TLY 04 CUE CMD 12 CUE TLY 05 MINI CMD 13 MINI TLY 06 14 RTB TLY 07 MIC +5V 15 MIC SIG 08 MIC GND
FADER S/S D15-M (#4-40) 01 COM1 09 START1 02 STOP1 10 COM2 03 START2 11 STOP2 04 COM3 12 START3 05 STOP3 13 COM4 06 START4 14 STOP4 07 +5V 15 0V 08
RS422 D9-F (#4-40) 01 GND 06 RX GND 02 RX+ 07 RX- 03 TX- 08 TX+ 04 TX GND 09 GND 05
• Order Information
order number | description | approx. price(US$) |
AF201A | studio communication system, 19” 1U | $2,709 |
AF201-FAD | Fader s tart option | $436 |
AF201-UP | Update from O2R model | $582 |
AF124 | Cough box, touch, fader, HP, EP | $1,800 |
AF124T | Cough Unit, T-Bar, HP, EP | $2,709 |
TB961 | 2 button | $582 |
TB963 | TB Box 3 button | $618 |
TB961G | 2 button, goose neck 15cm | $891 |
TB963G | TB Box 3 button, goose neck 15cm | $900 |
TB961G30 | TB box 2 button, gooseneck 30cm | $945 |
TB963G30 | TB box 3 button, gooseneck 30cm | $945 |
AF205A | Front display | $291 |
AF206 | Top display | $327 |
AF204 | Insertion interface, compact | $436 |
AF234 | COUGH INTERFACE | $509 |
AF201-124-20 | AF124 cable 20m | $500 |
AF201-124 | AF124 cable 10m | $409 |
AF201-124P | AF124 parallel cable 15cm | $38 |
AF201-963 | TB961/963 cable 5m | $291 |
AF201-963-10 | TB961/963 cable 10m | $364 |
AF201-963P | TB961/963 parallel cable 15cm | $38 |
AF201-D9K | Serial cable 5m Dsub9 (DM1000) | $218 |
AF201-DIN | Serial cable 5m, mini-DIN (DM2000/O2R96) | $218 |
AF201-M | Serial cable 5m MIDI (DM2000/DM1000/O2R96/O3D) | $218 |