SYNC CLOCK SEIKO QC-7CF compatible Logo indication (option) Large LED display Second pointer continuou…
STUDIO INTERFACE Studio communication management TB box TB961 and TB963 available Two announce unit AF…
2:3 VTR Switcher System switcher of 2:3 9P remote switch Audio 8ch switch Video switch Timecode switch…
3:1 System Switcher 9P remote switch of 3:1 Timecode switch of 3:1 Composite video switch of 3:1 Remot…
3:1 9P SWITCHER 9P switch of 3:1 Remote control 19 inches 1U size GPS710 is a 9P serial remote select…
8:1 9P Serial Switcher 8:1 9P remote switch Local and remote control Slave remote output 19 inches 1U …
8:8 MATRIX SWITCHER 8 input, 8 output Balance input and output Exclusion function It is most suitable …
SURROUND STICK Joy-stick for surround at 5:1 Divergence control SSL 4K automation support Dynamic chan…
TALLY GENERATOR From LTC to SSL S29E Various tarry output A tach pulse, the direction signal output it…
SERIAL CLOCK (LTC to SERIAL) Serial time data from LTC Automatic Free running mode 29.97, 30 frame rat…
SERIAL CLOCK (SERIAL to LTC) LTC from serial time data Automatic Free running mode SEIKO TMC100-J comp…
MATRIX AMP 10×8 10×8 matrix amplifier Meter output Remote operation Compact TB126 is a matrix amplifi…
Matrix Amp 20×5 5×20 matrix amplifier Meter output Compact remote unit OSC built-in PFL output Output …