Studio Interface ●スタジオのコミュニケーションを統括 ●トークバックボックス (TB961/G、TB963/G) ●2台のカフボックス対応 (AF124/T) ●フェーダー・スタート・…
COUGH INTERFACE ●2chカフインターフェース ●AF201/Aシステムに最適 ●スピーカーのDIM、CUT ●電源不要 ●コンパクト AF234はコンソールを使用しないシステムでAF…
SUPER COMMUNICATOR ●オールインワンスタジオシステム ●カフ制御可能なマイクプリアンプ2ch ●2ソース、2スピーカーのモニターセクション ●VUメーター ●TB、RTB、CUEのコミ…
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ANNOUNCE UNIT Sophisticated design Touch switch RTB (return talkback) CUE lamp VCA grouping is possibl…
AES/EBU FU INTERFACE AES/EBU cough interface 24bit input and output It is most suitable for AF201 syst…
ANNOUNCE FADER UNIT Sophisticated design AF201 compatible Touch and fader RTB (return talkback) CUE la…
AES/EBU FU I/F AES/EBU cough interface Dual RTB It is connectable in 12 cough It is with cough ON disp…
STUDIO INTERFACE Studio communication management TB box TB961 and TB963 available Two announce unit AF…
STUDIO INTERFACE Multifunctional studio interface 4 system talkback HP monitor Studio speaker control …
STUDIO INTERFACE Studio communication interface It is connectable with 4 cough Cough matrix of 4×6 CR …
COMMUNICATOR Complete standalone working (AC working) Touch switch, fader, T-bar RTB (return talkback)…
COMMENTARY BOX Commentary system Program + AUXx2 RTB x2 Fader operation It is available in commentary …
ProMonitor 5 source monitor selector 3 monitor speaker MONO and SIDE monitor mode Talkback AUTO CUE TB…
Commentary system Program + AUXx2 RTB x2 Fader operation It is available in commentary …