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2:1 System Switcher 2:1 system switcher Audio 2ch, speaker 2ch, video 1ch Analog audio, digital audio …
Programmable Panpots 4 channel stereo panpot SSL4000 computer automation support Panpot mix output Exc…
PROGRAMMABLE JOYSTICK It mixes a computer with joy-stick SSL fader automation support 2 quad panpot jo…
SURROUND STICK Joy-stick for surround at 5:1 Divergence control SSL 4K automation support Dynamic chan…
SHADOW SOLDIER 影武者 SSL automation in ProTools S29E compatible It is supported by LTC Chase equipment E…
PROGRAMMABLE VOCAL SWITCHER 8 input 8 out + mix output The 1 U size that it can mount on patch bay 4 s…