8 mono, 2 stereo portable mixer ●8モノ+2ステレオ ●4ステレオバス ●コンプレッサー内蔵 ●3バンドイコライザ内蔵 ●HPF ●ビルトインオシレータ ●PFL ●+4…
STEREO MOVING COMPRESSOR/LIMITER Moving fader Super sound Touch sense Stereo 19 inches 1U size CSP400…
MICOMP Pre compressor for microphone amplifiers Clip prevention of the microphone amplifier Optical No…
LaComp 2ch compressor Power supply unnecessary Noise less, low distortion, no sound change Compact CS…
Opcomp Stereo compressor Optical system Noise less Power supply unnecessary Compact It contributes to …
EARPHONE AMP Stereo phone amplifier Balance, XLR input 4 independent output Earphone or headphone Comp…
TALKBACK UNIT 2 system talkback Microphone compressor built-in Condenser microphone available Level me…