8ch VCA UNIT 8ch VCA fader Bypass complete with power-off It is ON/OFF in VCA every each ch Master VCA…
QUAD TO STEREO LINE MIXER 2 stereos to one Super low noise It is most suitable for 4ch microphone prea…
SIGNAL PROCESSOR Mix in 8 channel source of high quality It is most suitable to gather up microphone p…
HEX STEREO MIX 6 stereo mixers Preset trim way Low noise, high-quality sound 19 inches 1U size It is …
SUPER MIX 24 It is most suitable for mix of DAW 24ch input Cascade connection possibility ON/OFF of PA…
MatchBox Bidirectional 4ch level converter Super high-quality sound, low noise Broadband Reference lev…
8-Stereo Line Mixer 8 stereos 40mm modular construction SOLO, CUT 2 AUX send VCA grouping Input module…
30-Channel Mic Mixer All channel compressor built-in It is 30ch at 3 U size Modularity I/O connecter s…
SUPER MIX Super microphone / line mix Super low noise Super low distortion System configuration withou…
Super monitor console Most suitable for CD mastering Program fader Program insertion 4 speakers 8 EXT …
Super monitor console 8ch mastering console Super low noise Broadband more than 100kHz Digital control…